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Planned Activities and Products
- Maps showing the (1) elevation of the top of,
and (2) thickness of, the following geologic units
will be created and made available in Adobe PDF and
Geographic Information System (GIS) formats.
- Shannon sand unit of the Pierre shale
- Niobrara Formation
- Greenhorn Limestone
- Dakota Sandstone/Newcastle Sandstone
- Inyan Kara Group
- Sundance Formation
- Spearfish Formation
- Minnekahta Limestone
- Minnelusa Formation
- Red marker shale within the Minnelusa Formation (probably elevation only)
- Roundtop Member of the Minnelusa Formation
- Madison Group
- Englewood Limestone
- Three Forks Shale
- Red River Formation
- Winnipeg Formation
- Deadwood Formation
- Data, maps, and reports will be generated for underexplored areas in South Dakota that
have potential related to oil and gas resources.