Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any oil and gas wells in South Dakota?
Yes, as of October 2022 there are 151 oil wells and 42 gas wells in production. Oil was first discovered in Harding County in 1954, with later discoveries as far east as the Lantry Field in Dewey County and as far south as Fall River County. More information can be found on the Minerals and Mining Program's Oil and Gas Section website or South Dakota's Oil and Gas Initiative website.

How can I obtain information about test holes and observation wells that have been drilled in the state?
The Geological Survey Program maintains databases of test holes and observation wells. If you want to know what is available in any specific location, you can contact the Geological Survey Program and request site-specific information, or visit the SDGS Interactive Map to view an interactive map and download information.

Are there any maps showing the location of the aquifers near my land?
The Geological Survey Program publishes reports that describe the geology and hydrology of the state. These reports contain maps and figures that show the locations of the aquifers. These reports can be obtained by contacting the Geological Survey Program.

How do I obtain reports and maps from the Geological Survey Program?
Reports and maps can be downloaded or ordered directly from the Geological Survey Program.Visit our publications page.

How many earthquakes have been recorded in South Dakota?
View our Earthquakes page to see the locations of recorded earthquakes in South Dakota.

Have I found a meteorite?
Meteorites are fragments of rock and/or metal that fall to Earth from space. View our Meteorite page to see the locations of recorded meteorites found in South Dakota.