Geologic Mapping in the Black Hills at 1:24,000 scale

Project Description

The need for 1:24,000 scale geologic maps has become crucial in parts of the Black Hills of South Dakota, however, geologic map coverage at this scale ranges from good quality published maps to areas that have little or no mapping. The Geological Survey Program is producing geologic maps in areas of the Black Hills where these maps are needed, in cooperation with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, the West Dakota Water Development District, the U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, and the National Park Service.

Why are maps like this needed?


Status of 1:24,000-scale Geologic Mapping in the Black Hills, South Dakota
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Click to area select data to download

Angostura Reservoir Cascade Springs Flint Hill Edgemont Hot Springs Edgemont NE Burdock Wind_Cave Pringle Jewel_Cave_SW Dewey Mount_Coolidge Fourmile Jewel_Cave Clifton Hermosa Custer Berne Signal_Hill Fanny_Peak Rockerville Mount_Rushmore Hill_City Medicine_Mountain Rapid_City_East Rapid_City_West Pactola_Dam Silver_City Rockford Deerfield Rapid_City_NW Blackhawk Piedmont Nemo Minnesota_Ridge Nahant Tilford Deadman_Mountain Deadwood_South Lead Savoy Sturgis Deadwood_North Spearfish Maurice Tinton Jolly


Geologic Map of Wind Cave National Park

Fagnan, B.A.; Lincoln, B.Z.; Lincoln, T.N., 2013
GIS Files